

8 egg yolks

250 ml cream

150 g icing sugar

170 ml dark rum

1 vanilla bean

1 packet of vanilla sugar, natural flavour (8g)

1 pinch of salt

Allergens are marked in bold

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step 1

Step 1

Cut the vanilla bean open lengthwise and simmer it in the cream over low heat for one hour.

Scrape the pulp out of the bean. Stir the pulp and vanilla sugar into the cream.

Place the egg yolks in a metal bowl and beat while heating in a bain-marie over low heat. Don’t let them boil!

step 2

Step 2

Add the vanilla-cream mixture to the egg yolks. Add salt and beat vigorously once again.

step 3

Step 3

Stir in the rum and pour the mixture into bottles.

Keep refrigerated.

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