Approx. 1.5 kg pork with the skin
Lard for browning (may substitute cooking oil)
1 teaspoon sweet paprika
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
Salt, pepper
500 g soup greens (celery root, leeks, carrots, parsley, parsley root)
1 large onion
1 clove garlic
500 ml beef bouillon (beef stock)
100 ml black beer
1 level teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon corn starch


35 g Italian parsley
15 g cilantro (leaves and stems of the coriander plant)
6 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar
2 cloves garlic
Juice and peel from 1 organic lime


Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over the pork until the edges of the skin curl up. Using a sharp knife, first score the pork crosswise, then lengthwise 1 to 2 cm deep, cutting only into the fat and not into the meat. Pour boiling water over the top once again. The edges of the scored skin should also curl up.

Heat lard or oil in a pan and sear the pork on all sides except the skin. Remove the pork and pour the beer into the hot pan. Marinate the pork with paprika, caraway seeds, salt, and pepper.

Clean the soup greens, peeling when necessary, and chop coarsely. Cut the onion into eighths but don’t peel it. In a roasting pan, combine the onion and soup greens and sear for about 5 minutes. Add half the bouillon and the beer from the pan.

Place the pork on top of the vegetables and cook at 160°C CircoTherm hot air, “added steam, medium” for about 3 hours until the right core temperature has been reached (about 70°C), basting it 2 or 3 times with the remaining bouillon.

When the roast is done, set the oven to 200°C “small area grill” and continue grilling until the crust is crisp. Pour off the sauce and thicken.

To thicken the sauce, place 3 tablespoons in a bowl, add cornstarch, and stir. Bring the remaining sauce to a boil and stir in the cornstarch mixture.


Combine all the ingredients in a food chopper and process into a smooth paste.

Slice the pork and serve it with chimichurri and black beer sauce.

Download the recipe card for printing


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